The source of the torrent Zerbo is located at the foot of the Southern Grigna, called Grignetta, in Colonghelli. Running down to the valley, the small stream slowly swells in its bed, called watercourse, crossing wooded areas where it forms small waterfalls and gorges. The total length is 5.4km.
In the middle of its route the torrent Zerbo gives rise to the Cenghen Waterfall, and then ends its journey in Lake Como.
From the torrent Zerbo comes the Roggia, the canal that crosses the country, whose water was used in the past as a driving force for the silk industry. In its upstream part there is a derivation of the course intended for the production of hydroelectric energy, originally built by the Moto Guzzi company.
Fun fact: the Zerbo is not a torrent to be underestimated. In the past, following a probable landslide event, it diverted its course. At the time, in fact, it flowed into the area called “Poncia”, the ‘tip’, where today the Ulisse Guzzi park is located.